Stiff & squeaky doors

Squeaking doors can be extremely noisy, especially when you’re trying to close a door quietly. Luckily, the solution to fixing this problem door is very simple. All you have to do is spray your choice of lubricating oil onto the hinges and latch. Allow the oil to flow get into the nooks and crannies by opening and closing the door a few times. Wipe off the excess oil and the job is done.

In the case of stiff joints, the problem may be a little more difficult as your hinges could be slightly warped or miss aligned. We’ll come back to hinge alignment later. In the case of warping, however, the best solution is to replace.

Loose Hinges

Often the case in older properties, door hinges tend to slip over time. Mostly caused by wear and tear, the issue can usually be fixed without needing replacement hinges.

Remove the screws from both sides of the door hinge and squeeze in your choice of adhesive glue in the holes. Get a small piece of wood or a matchstick (make sure to break off the head of the matchstick) and insert it into the holes and wait for it to dry. Break off the remainder of wood sticking out of the holes before screwing the door hinge back into place. When you hang the door back into place, there should no longer be the issue of wabbling door hinges.

Jamming door

It can be frustrating when your door gets jammed every time you try to open it. There are different reasons why this could be occurring for you. To check to see if your hinges are the issue, simply grab the door with both hands and push it against the hinges. If there is movement, it means the hinges are loose. To fix this, read the steps above.

If your door frame has settled slightly causing the door to be out of alignment – or if the door has expanded due to moisture, the best method is to sand the problem areas.  For best results, we recommend keeping the door up so that you avoid over sanding. Keep checking every so often by closing the door to see if the problem has been solved.

However, if you do decide to replace your door and start fresh, we have a range of high-quality engineered door sets for you to choose from.

Need extra advice? Please feel free to contact us for more information.