Overlooking your grass whilst taking care of other garden work is common. In a lot of cases grass takes care of itself. There are times when our lawns can end up looking a little worse for wear, however.

Whether its due to overuse or poor weather conditions, sometimes all grass needs is a little TLC and it’ll be as good as new. With lawns, it’s often the little things that matter the most. In this quick guide, we’re going to cover a few simple tips and tricks that will help you keep your lawns looking healthy with minimal effort.

Cut the grass

The way in which you cut your grass and what you cut it with will have a huge impact on your lawns overall health.

This may seem like stating the obvious but old cutting blades for example, that are dull from years of usage will hack your grass rather than cutting it. This will lead to uneven growth, yellowing of the grass and worst of all makes it more susceptible to parasites and mould.

The cut direction also contributes to these factors. Not following a straight path will often mean that you’re cutting patches several times, which leads to damage.

Let grass grow

During the summer season, we recommend cutting your grass less frequently. Longer grass creates shade that prevents weeds from growing when they are most likely to appear. If your mower is not adjustable you may struggle to maintain a longer grass height, so an adjustable mower may be worth the investment.

Don’t cut when it’s wet

Avoid cutting your lawn when it’s wet. Not only can it cause blockages in your lawn mower, cutting wet grass can cause damage. Much like using a dull blade, cutting grass that is wet causes it to be hacked apart rather than cut cleanly.

If you’re forced to cut your grass in wet weather, remember to thoroughly clean your mower afterwards.

Fertilize the lawn at the right time

The best time for fertilization is during early spring when new growth is about to begin. Fertilizing too late in the summer and autumn will encourage weeds to grow, whilst fertilizing in the winter does very little for your lawn making it a wasted investment.

Use the correct amount of water

It’s a common suggestion that most lawns should get 1-2 inches of water a week for proper health. This is highly individual, however. Depending on your location, the type of grass you have and how much water your grass gets naturally, the amount required can vary greatly. Simply keep an eye on your lawn as you continue to use it if it starts to look like it’s becoming dry add one watering a week and see how it reacts.

Caring for grass is fairly simple and messing up here and there isn’t the end of the world. Simply follow these simple tips and you should have a hassle-free, beautiful lawn all year round.