A chuck of concrete broken off a concrete step can worsen over time, especially with weathering during winters. The fix is simple without needing for the whole step to be destroyed and re-moulded.

The process of fixing a broken edge can seem daunting but is relatively simple if you know the right steps to take. We'll show you how to fix a broken edge on a concrete step.

1. Clean the area

With pressurized air clean the area of any debris like loose pebbles. This will help the new adhesive agent to set fully bond.

The area can also be cleaned with a hard bristled brush.

2. Drill a hole for a steel rod

To drill the hole leaving enough for the rod to stick out which will give some form to the concrete which will be added later on.

It is a good idea to coat the steel rod with the bonding agent this will allow the concrete to adhere to the steel rod for further support.

Alternatively, you can also drill a few tapcon screws into the concrete which will also hold the concrete in form.

3. Apply bonding material

The bonding material is applied so that the new concrete will ‘stick’ to the old cement. The bonding material can be applied using a brush to reach all of the crevices.

Let the bonding adhesive dry before moving on to the next step. This will usually take 2-3 hours.

4. Quick setting concrete

Prepare some quick-setting concrete that can be used to place the edged that has been prepared.

5. Prepare a wood form

The wood form will help you lay the concrete on the prepared edge without having to spend too much time skimming later on.

6. Fill the wood form

Once the wood form has been created fill in the wood form with quick-setting concrete. Skim using a wood float give a smooth finish.

7. Let it dry

Leave the concrete to dry fully for the next 2-3 hours. It is important to cover the concrete with tarpaulin to keep the moisture in.